Wednesday, April 24, 2019

7 Causes Of Distracted Driving Accidents In San Diego

San Diego is notorious for the number of car accidents that happen every year. Traffic jams are everywhere, and a single collision could cause many problems for other drivers. Since the city is surrounded by freeways, many drivers enter the city without slowing down. This is where mistakes happen, and where reckless individuals pay the ultimate price.

Listed below are 7 main causes of distracted driving and how to prevent them.


It is in our nature to love fast cars and the open road. However, those rules do not apply to populated areas. Most people have problems making that transition from a freeway into a city, and without paying attention to the speed limit, end up smashing into another vehicle and causing an accident.

If you have been in a car accident involving speeding, contact car accident attorney in San Diego at Law Office of Edward J. Babbitt, APC immediately following the accident.
Not Keeping Proper Distance

If you drive too closely to the car in front of you, the chances are that the car will break and you will end up hitting their read-end bumper. Pay attention to the traffic ahead of you, and keep a safe distance between your car and the car in front of you. This is very important especially during extreme weather conditions such as ice, heavy rain and snow.


Sending messages while driving is as dangerous as it can be. Not only will your eyes not be on the road ahead, but you will not even see the other cars coming in your lane or entering the freeway. If you keep doing it, it is only a matter of time before you find yourself in a car accident.


Many people cannot wait to get out of the car and smoke a cigarette. Unfortunately, while driving on the open road, having a cigarette in your hand can be dangerous. First, your one hand will be busy holding the cigarette and not on your wheel. Secondly, if it falls below your knees, you will try and reach it and take your eyes off the road. The accident is imminent.

Using Lanes Improperly

Even when switching lanes, the accident may happen in a split second, especially if you didn’t pay attention to the incoming cars or if you didn’t give the other drivers the proper signal. Merge properly and where you are supposed to do it and do it as safely as possible.


If you are driving for a while not, take some time and rest. If your body is fatigued, nothing good will come out of it. Don’t get too comfortable in the driver’s seat, as you may end up falling asleep behind the wheel and crashing into a fender or another vehicle.

Loud Music

Another common distraction is your car’s stereo. Playing too loud music won’t let you hear the horn from another vehicle, will distract your brain’s focus from the road and may cause you to end up in an accident. Get in touch with San Diego car accident attorney if you find yourself in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence or reckless driving.

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