Thursday, January 3, 2019

How Social Media Can Ruin Your Car Accident Claim

After a car accident, it is the most natural thing to talk to your friends and family about it. Some people even go on social media websites and write a post about it. Even though it feels like letting others know how you feel is a good idea, it can have negative consequences for your car accident claim. But how is that possible?

Everything you post online becomes public. It can be seen by everyone and be used against you in many different ways. Before you post anything online following a car accident, consult with our Car Accident Attorneys in Oceanside and learn why you should never go to social media after a car accident.

Here are the most common mistakes related to social media posts and car accidents, and advice on how to avoid them.
Social Media Can Ruin Your Car Accident Claim

Posting Your Opinion

Even though you strongly believe that the world cares about what you say or post on social media and hope to achieve a viral presence, the chances are that the one who will really care about your social media posts following the accident is the insurance company. Yes, they will have someone checking your social media posts every day, and before you know it, your car accident claim will be reduced by a substantial sum or completely denied for something you have done or said on social media.

This is why you should turn off your social media entirely, or simply refrain from posting anything. No pictures, no tags, no videos, no emotional or angry posts. Don’t tag yourself anywhere, don’t share anything and use your social media only to browse other people’s content and nothing more.

Conflict of Information

Assuming that you told the police everything that happened and that they have already made a report, what if you go to let’s say Twitter and post something related to the accident that you didn’t tell the police, or you told them otherwise? Even if you lie in your twitter post, it will be used against you. The insurance company will use your post as an evidence proving that you lied to the police towards your own benefit,  and cause you more trouble than you can imagine. Not only will you not receive your car accident claim, but you may even face charges.

Tracking Your Location

After an accident, the insurance company may track your location and keep track of it until the case is solved. If you received an injury that immobilized you, but you are caught traveling to the gym or to the beach, the chances are that they will use that information against you to prove that you did not receive the injury in the first place. Especially if you have been participating in certain sports events or activities (or tagged in a post of someone who did participate), you will be denied your claim and lose everything.

We advise you to get in touch with Personal Injury Attorneys in Oceanside and learn everything about social media posts and how to properly protect yourself until your case is solved in your favor. 

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