Thursday, April 25, 2019

Most Common Distracted Driving Habits Of California Drivers

We are all curious by nature. We tend to gaze at the stars, look at shiny things and question the unknown. Unfortunately, our focus is the same; one moment it is here, and in the next one, it is somewhere else.
As drivers, sometimes we tend to lose focus, and when that happens, accidents happen. Driving is a demanding process that requires a lot of focus and attention, and every mistake can be fatal.

Sadly, there are so many distracted drivers nowadays, and driving is not as safe as it used to be several years ago. Here are some of the most common habits of distracted drivers in California.

Using The Phone

Probably the number one reason why so many drivers get distracted is their cell phone. Thousands of people rush to work every day, and they are on their phones talking to their children, spouses and other family members, organizing their day, assigning choruses, arranging work schedules. All of these things are easily done over the phone, but doing so while in traffic can be dangerous and even lethal.

As you lose focus while talking on the phone, you can easily not notice that the driver in front of you is slowing down, or that there is another vehicle near you switching lanes without signalization. If you do not spot that one reckless driver around you, you can easily get involved in a car accident. When that happens, you should immediately get in touch with Car Accident Attorneys in San Diego and schedule your free consultation.
If you are using your phone to browse the internet while driving, or to play some music, or to check your email, you will lose focus and probably cause a rear-end car accident.

Eating And Drinking

Another habit that many drivers tend to do on a daily basis is eating and drinking while driving. Both of these actions require the driver’s attention, which reduces the focus on the road ahead. Eventually, an accident will happen and someone may die simply because one of the drivers was eating or drinking something while driving.

Using The Radio

Music is the best company any driver can ask for. When stuck in traffic, play the radio or the music on your phone. But did you know that loud music acts as a distraction, lowering one’s focus significantly? In addition, the person will not hear the passing cars and may easily get smashed on the side or in the rear bumper.

If you like driving with your music on, increase your safety on the road by lowering the volume to the minimum one. That way, you will put less stress on your body and you will allow your brain to focus on the road ahead, rather than on the loud music. And you will have the full peripheral vision of the road and the traffic around you, allowing you to act in case of an emergency.

If you do get involves in a car accident, our San Diego Personal Injury Attorney can help you get the compensation for your injuries. You can get compensated for:

• Medical bills
• Pain and suffering
• Lost wages
• Property damage

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